Sunday, 25 June 2017

Department of Library and information Science invites the University community and the entire public to their International Conference and Homecoming

Saturday, 24 June 2017

Coming soon is a documentary film on the first indigenous university in Nigeria (UNN)
Follow the link and know more about the date and venue

Saturday, 3 June 2017


Today the Christian Churches celebrate the Pentecost - the descending of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. Though it is not a celebration for all Christians, but it is widely recognised by the Liturgical Churches (Catholic, Anglican, Lurteran, Eastern Orthodox etc), Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches as well as some Protestant Churches. It is a long awaited day therefore i beseech you to say this Pentecost prayer as you celebrate:
Lord, as we meet together ,
and celebrate once again
the memory of that first Pentecost,
may it be for us as it was then
a moment of empowerment,
an awareness of your Glory in this dark world,
a life changing experience.

Christiano Ronaldo celebrates next to trophy

Christiano Ronaldo celebrates next to the trophy after the Champions league finals between Real Madrid and Juventus. He was so delighted for scoring his 6ooth goal since his career.

The unn jupeb registration is on. Visit dis link for more information

Friday, 2 June 2017

Notice to all graduates of the faculty of Engineering; University of Nigeria Nsukka.It is the intention of the faculty to have the details of all her graduates from 1965 till date.... forward until it gets to them. Follow the link to get full info.

Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Department of Library and information Science invites the University community and the entire public to their International Conference and H...